Sen. Feinstein the evil mastermind behind disgusting attacks on Kavanaugh: Post-hearing analysis calls for U.S. Senate to remove “demon witch” from power

From the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee hearings today, it became obvious that U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein is the evil mastermind behind the entire disgusting smear campaign on Brett Kavanaugh. In fact, it’s now obvious that both Christine Ford and Brett Kavanaugh are victims of Sen. Feinstein.

The upshot of the eight-hour hearing is that since Christine Ford had zero supporting evidence of her baseless claims, very little changed in terms of the confirmation vote. No bombshells dropped on either side of the aisle, and Kavanaugh pulled out an adequate job defending himself with just enough outrage to appear justifiably angry at the organized smears pushed by Democrats and a complicit, pathetic media.

But the real shocker in the hearing is the realization that Sen. Dianne Feinstein masterminded the whole thing. It was her office that leaked the letter to the press that started the whole ball rolling on Christine Ford. Feinstein ran the entire operation from the start and she even, I believe, hijacked Christine Ford into testifying even though she specifically asked that her story be kept private.

Watch my full analysis here, which details the disgusting circus the U.S. Senate has now become under the influence of dishonest Democrats. And join my call to remove Sen. Feinstein for gross violations of U.S. Senate ethics and basic rules of civility.


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